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Xen Factory

Register today to become a member! Once signed in, you'll be able to start purchasing our products, ask questions, request support and suggest new ideas!

  • Once you have purchased a product, go in the My licenses page available from the shop or account menu to set your domain name and start downloading your product.
  • If you owned an XF1 version of the add-ons from these sections, please note that you can potentially benefit from a discount. See HERE for more information and learn about the way to proceed.
  • Now available: RM Marketplace cart plugin. Purchase now.
Corrected bugs:
  • Error with declaration of categorySaveProcess function when saving a RM category

As of now, the XF2 version is only compatible with XF 2.1 versions and above.
This version is mainly focused towards xF2.1 compatibility.

Corrected bugs:
  • ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Declaration of XFA\RMMarketplace\XFRM\Admin\Controller\Category::categorySaveProcess(XF\Entity\AbstractCategoryTree $category) should be compatible with XFRM\Admin\Controller\Category::categorySaveProcess(XFRM\Entity\Category $category) in src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/XFRM/Admin/Controller/Category.php at line 77
  • LogicException: Unknown relation or alias Likes accessed on xf_rm_resource_update in src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Finder.php at line 753
Corrected bugs:
  • Missing js and style files
  • Sell resource permission moved to Resource instead of Category to allow compatibility with collaborative add-on.
  • Like
Reactions: frybread
Corrected bugs:
  • ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Trying to get property of non-object src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/XFRM/Pub/Controller/ResourceVersion.php:24
New features:
  • Edit any sale permission

Corrected bugs:
  • When there is more than 1 file in a resource version, users with valid license but no right to download in permissions are not able to download.
  • Please enter a value for the required field 'business' when purchasing with other payment mean and no PayPal address is set.
  • Wrong number of purchases shown in resources list
Corrected bugs:
  • We couldn't initialize the communication with Paypal, please contact our staff error when paypal email for sale is set globally
Corrected bugs:
  • Indirect modification of overloaded property XFA\RMMarketplace\XFRM\Entity\ResourceItem::$PhysicalProduct has no effect in src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/Pub/Controller/Purchase.php at line 319
  • Missing validate_url_test.php file
  • Paid resources filter not working for RMMarketplace paid resources
  • Unconfirmed user should not have the right to buy

  • Button for unregistered users now links to registration page
  • Sale type not pickable when only one sale type is allowed in category
Corrected bugs:
  • ErrorException: Template error: Template public:alert_xfa_rmmp_sale_complete is unknown
  • USA Address setting not honored
  • Some race condition could lead to users being able to purchase more quantity than allowed for physical resources
Upgrade of Core to 1.2.3 is also recommended to fix a bug that could happen during payment.
Corrected bugs:
  • Incorrect link for default resource image when using Full Friendly URLs

  • Options link added to the RM Marketplace menu
  • Like
Reactions: Zedazz