I think you may need to adjust the css to your theme by yourself, it's working perfectly for the default xF theme.
display: contents;
I don't know either, the style you are using is using some css trick to manage the display of the widget.
The container itself is using a:
Code:display: contents;
And the element inside my widget are using some absoute positionning.
This is beyond my css knowledge and outstide of our support scope.
So you dont know how I get that fixed ? As you see seconds word is out of the box
Then the purchase addon will be a bit useless. As I asked you if you'll be able to fix.
A bit disappointing that doesn't really work properly.
Until when I can apply for refund? Also have investigate node icons issue?
It can wait till you have been able to discuss the matter with TH.
Yes sure
Sounds good. I'll will updated you here. By the way. The widgets works fine, apart from tablet.
From tablet ?
so your problem is just related to the text seconds being on a second line ?