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XF1 XF2 RM MarketPlace & Forum Sales

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Freaky Coder
Staff member
Paypal API credentials retrieval

Two possibilities, either you have a Business account or a Standard account.

Business Account

If you have a business paypal account, connect to your paypal account and go to the tools page:
On the new opening page, select the API credentials:
Then click on the Add or edit API permissions button:
For this tutorial, we will assume that no API credentials are available, so you should be seeing a Request API credentials link on the right side, click it:

As we are using a library that only supports signature, only signature certificates will work with RM MarketPlace.

Once you click on Agree and Submit, you will get a new page with 3 credentials that you have to note, we will see later how to use them:
Standard Account

UPDATE 2019/08/01: Apparently, as of now, API account setting is not available anymore for standard accounts.

If you have a standard paypal account, connect to your paypal account and go to the seller preferences page:
On the new opening page, click on the Update link next to the API access part:
For this tutorial, we will assume that no API credentials are available, so you should be seeing a Request API credentials link on the right side, click it:

As we are using a library that only supports signature, only signature certificates will work with our API.

Once you click on Agree and Submit, you will get a new page with 3 credentials that you have to note, we will see later how to use them:
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Payment API configuration

Now that we have either retrieved the credentials, you can configure the payment API.

Nothing simpler, rename the file library/XFA/ThirdParty/AngellEye/paypal-php-library/PPConfiguration.php.txt into library/XFA/ThirdParty/AngellEye/paypal-php-library/PPConfiguration.php and edit it.
Then fill the 3 lines with the information you retrieved in the previous step (see screenshot below).​

Nothing simpler, copy the file src/addons/XFA/Core/PPConfiguration.php.txt file into the internal_data folder from your forum root and remove the .txt extension. Then fill the 3 lines with the information you retrieved in the previous step (see screenshot below).​

Usergroup permissions [RM Marketplace]

RM Marketplace has some complex behavior regarding permissions.

Indeed to access the View Sales / Manage Licences pages, permissions are global.
So what if you only want some user or usergroup to be only able to sell in one dedicated category ?

Nothing simpler:
  • At a global user or usergroup level, set the permissions to sell in the marketplace to yes.
  • In all other categories but the one(s) you want the usergroup or user to be able to sell in, set the permissions to revoke.
Invoicing [RM Marketplace] for version 3.8.0 to 4.2.2

Since version 3.8.0, invoicing feature has been included in RM Marketplace.
However, due to licensing rights, the PHP class we use is not included inside our product.
This section will guide you through the steps necessary to get it working.

As a pre-requisite, you must ensure that you have the php intl extension installed, this would be done by adding following line to the php.ini of your site:

Download and install pdf-invoicr

Go to the following page github page HERE.

Then download it as by clicking on the Clone or download menu > Download ZIP:
Unzip the downloaded archive on your computer.

Then connect to the FTP of your forum, go to library/XFA/ThirdParty and create a folder called pdf-invoicr.​
Upload the content of the unzipped archive inside the created folder.​
Its content should look like the screenshot below once done.​
Then connect to the FTP of your forum, go to src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/vendor and create a folder called pdf-invoicr.​
Upload the content of the unzipped archive inside the created folder.​
Its content should look like the screenshot below once done.​
Capture d’écran 2017-03-04 à 11.39.23.png
If you want you can remove the examples folder as well as the README.md file.

Update FPDF version

Now that pdf-invoicr is installed, an additional step is needed in order to upgrade the version of the FPDF library it uses as it is deprecated.

Go to the official website of FDPF: HERE.

Download the latest version zip file, preferably 1.8.1 as it was tested with that particular version:

Unzip the downloaded archive.

Connect to your ftp and go in library/XFA/ThirdParty/pdf-invoicr/inc/fpdf [XF1] or src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/vendor [XF2].
Replace the fdpf.php file and the font directory by the ones from the archive you just unzipped.

Once this done, edit the phpinvoice.php file.

On line 55, change:


On line 258:
$this->Cell(0,5,iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1",strtoupper($this->title)),0,1,'R');

$this->Cell(0,5,iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1",strtoupper($this->metadata['title'])),0,1,'R');
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Invoicing [RM Marketplace] for version 4.3.0 and above

Since version 3.8.0, invoicing feature has been included in RM Marketplace.
However, due to licensing rights, the PHP class we use is not included inside our product.
This section will guide you through the steps necessary to get it working.

As a pre-requisite, you must ensure that you have the php intl extension installed, this would be done by adding following line to the php.ini of your site:

Download and install FPDF

Go to the following page HERE.

Then download it by clicking on the ZIP link near version 1.8.2:

Unzip the downloaded archive on your computer.

Then connect to the FTP of your forum, go to src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/vendor and create a folder called fpdf.
Upload the fpdf.php file and the font folder of the unzipped archive inside the created folder.

Modify fpdf

Now that you have uploaded fpdf, go to the src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/vendor/fpdf folder and edit the file FPDF.php.


namespace XFA\RMMarketplace\vendor\fpdf;
use Exception;

Download and install pdf-invoice

Go to the following page github page HERE.

Then download it by clicking on the Clone or download menu > Download ZIP:

Unzip the downloaded archive on your computer.

Then connect to the FTP of your forum, go to src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/vendor and create a folder called pdfinvoice.
Upload the src and inc folders of the unzipped archive inside the created folder.

Modify pdf-invoice

Now that you have uploaded pdf-invoice, go to the src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/vendor/pdfinvoice/src folder and edit the file InvoicePrinter.php.

namespace Konekt\PdfInvoice;

namespace XFA\RMMarketplace\vendor\pdfinvoice\src;

Add the following after:
use XFA\RMMarketplace\vendor\fpdf\fpdf;

Remove the line:
use FPDF;
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